brace yourselves folks, this might be a long one. i feel like it has been a really long time since i have posted anything. i was just getting into this blogging thing, and then time just seemed to fly by and i hadn't posted.
the holiday season is here and with that comes a lot of chaos. but fun chaos. i love this time of year, so much. it's so fun to be with family, and reflect on all the blessings we have in life. not to mention the change of seasons and the snow fall. it's so beautiful. but let's not forget the frantic nature that comes with this season.
i have never been good at getting my christmas shopping done in a timely matter. i'm usually the one at the malls 2 days before christmas trying to buy something for everyone. and then add to it this year, trying to plan a wedding, oh yeah, and buy a house. it's madness! but i love it. it makes me so excited for the times ahead.
i am so excited for christmas. for decorating, baking. for spending time with family and friends. for reflecting on all the blessings in my life, and how grateful i am for my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. for the Atonement, the sacrifice He made for me, for all of us. I can hardly comprehend it. for how grateful i am to be a member of His church.
i am so excited to see all the christmas trees and lights decorating the houses. i can't wait for some good snowfall, to play in the snow, to go up to snowbird and take in those beautiful mountains we have in our backyards.
i am so excited to start the new year, with my love. and to start a family when we are finally married! i am excited to buy a house and make it our home. i just can't wait! 91 days for those of you who are counting... :)
so, to catch up on what's been going on in life...
i have decided to go back to grad school. it's something i have always thought i would do. i just didn't know which degree to get or when i would go. but in thinking about it, it seems like a pretty ideal time to go. i have been working for a couple of years, have some good experience under my belt. i don't have kids yet, but want them in the next few years, so i figure it would be good to be done with school before that time comes. this spring, i am taking a couple prerequisite classes, and then, if all goes well, i will start the program in the fall of 2009. i am planning to do the DNP program at the U. and then, someday, i will be able to make more money. woo hoo!
the wedding planning is coming along. looks like we have chosen february 28th for the big day. now if only i can plan the wedding by then, all will be well! i am so excited to be married to him. i feel like the luckiest girl in the world to be with him and to be able to spend forever with him.
thanksgiving was great. my mom has been in town to celebrate with us. my sister made an awesome feast for us all. it was so good, and i felt like i never want to eat again.
the house search is taxing, but i think we are seeing some light at the end of the tunnel. we have found a few places that might just work for us. it will be so nice when we do find a place and i know we will have a place to live after the wedding.
other than that, nothing new going on. life is good. stressful, but good. i'm loving every minute of it. i really have so much to be grateful for. i look forward to the rest of the holiday season so much and i hope everyone else enjoys it as much as i do.
and i promise to make more time to keep you all updated on what is going on in life. stay tuned!
Friday, November 28, 2008
some catching up...
Friday, November 21, 2008
it seems like it's been forever since i've posted. i really want to blog, really. but it seems like i have had ZERO time! there really hasn't been much of anything going on in life. just trying to get ready for the holidays, plan a wedding, and decide if i should go to grad school, or not. so yeah, i've been super busy, but i promise i will make time soon to post some pictures of what's been going on in life. i promise! but in the meantime, i love reading all of your blogs out there.
Friday, November 7, 2008
go utes!
tonight was a big night. the utes played tcu and they WON!!! that means, they have been undefeated so far this season, and will hopefully stay that way. this game was even more exciting than the others because i got to go and watch it from the stands. and in good seats at that.
there is something awesome about a college football game on a fall evening. i just love bundling up, wearing the school colors, and cheering for my team. not to mention the crazy people around and the yummy food you get away with at sporting events. the bonding with your neighbors and the 2 days of a hoarse voice after the game is's just so much fun.
i haven't been able to go to any games yet this season, with work, and whatnot. but my friend was able to hook steve and me up with some pretty sweet tickets to watch the game. and boy did i have fun. the game was awesome, well, especially the last few minutes of it. it was down to the wire, but the utes came out on top! and boy did the fans enjoy it. they stormed the field like mad, taking down the uprights, and mingling with the players. there was such a camaraderie among everyone at that game. it was awesome to be a part of it. that's the thing about the people of salt lake. they are so supportive of the university and it's fun to see the huge turnouts at university functions.
so now with the "W" from this game, we move byu. our next big challenge. GO UTES!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
happy birthday babe
today is steve's birthday. i wanted to take a minute to tell him how much i love him and how grateful i am to have him in my life. i never thought i would be lucky enough to find someone who treated me so well and who i could be so madly in love with. i can't wait to spend eternity with this guy! he's turning 32 today, so here is a list of 32 things i LOVE about this man.
1.he's 6'3". i love myself a tall man.
2.he has the most beautiful baby blues.
3.he's super athletic. he gets me out there and keeps me active.
4.he loves to get mani/pedi's with me.
5.he's a california boy.
6.he rubs my feet after a long night at work.
7. he is the most loving man i have ever met.
8. he knows how to and does protect me. he's a cop after all, it's his job.
9. he teaches me new things.
10. he loves to travel and explore new places.
11. he's spontaneous.
12. he loves my family, including my stinky, slobbery dog, marley.
13. he supports me in all i do.
14. he's not afraid to tell me his opinion.
15. he's loyal and stands up for what he knows is right.
16. he sings along to songs even though he has no idea what the words are.
17. he has a rough and tough exterior, but he's such a lover.
18. he can retain information he hears or learns somewhere and keep it in his mind forever. it's amazing! i so wish i could learn that way.
19.he loves to cuddle with me.
20. he makes me feel like i am the most important thing in his life.
21. he is a "fix it" guy. totally handy around the house and knows how to do things.
22. he's not afraid to ask for directions or admit when he doesn't know something.
23. he isn't a father yet, but he is so good with his niece and nephews. i can't wait to start a family with him. he's going to be an amazing dad.
24. he is such a great communicator. i don't know that we have ever been upset with each other for more than all of 5 minutes.
25. he leaves me love notes in my purse, pocket, wallet, etc. so i find them later.
26. he buys me flowers just because.
27. he still opens my car door for me.
28.he is so thoughtful and considerate of others.
29. he is romantic, chivalrous, and always tells me how much he loves me.
30. he does things he may not like, for no other reason, than because he knows i like them.
31. he considers me in making decisions.
32. he wants to marry me and be with me FOREVER!
there are so many more things that make me absolutely ADORE this man. if you know him, you know what i mean. so on this day, i hope you know how much i love you 55. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
guilty pleasure
so i totally busted out the christmas music today. i know it's too early, but the month after thanksgiving and before christmas is simply not enough time to get my fill of that good stuff.