Saturday, March 7, 2009

introducing the Mr.

I know it's been awhile since i've posted anything. and believe it or not, it's not because of a lack of things to post about. i have been busy getting married!
steve and i were sealed in the san diego temple on february 28. it was such a perfect day for us and we couldn't have asked for more. we then spent a few days in las vegas, just relaxing and not having a care in the world. it was so sweet!
we are now back in salt lake, and moving into our new house and making it our home. i love this place and i'm so excited i get to live here with my new husband! i think that so far, living together is my favorite part of being married. it's just so perfect. YUM.
here are a few pictures of the wedding and vegas. we haven't gotten our professional pictures back yet, but these will tide you over until we get those back. who knows when that will be. enjoy!

at dinner the night before the wedding.
on our way to the temple
san diego temple from the freeway
our temple sealer robert daynes
the mr. at our hotel pool in vegas
mr. and mrs. rawson!

3 notes:

Linsey said...

Congrats! You guys look so happy!

maren bosley said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! You're in for the best ride of your life. Love you!

Jes said...

How adorable is your dress?! I love it!

Married life is great. And really fun.