Sunday, September 21, 2008

be attitudes

there is no doubt that as we get older, life gets busier and more chaotic. it seems there are a million things that need to get done and so little time to get them done. or i start to think of all the things i DON'T have instead of all the things i DO have. i start with the "if only i had this...then i would be set". at times, i find myself so caught up in the stresses of life, i forget about all of the things i have to be grateful for.
in the scriptures we read about the "be attitudes" and pres. hinckley also focused on those attitudes and the important role they play in leading a more christ like life. gratitude was one of those attitudes and i really agree that it is so important to remember those things to keep us heading the right direction.
with the holiday season fast approaching, i find myself thinking so much about all the things i have to be grateful for in my life. and when i think about it, life is pretty dang good. i don't think i can complain about a thing!
here are some of the things that bring me joy (and stress at times) and make me so thankful for this life i'm living.
living in salt lake city. i grew up at the beach and still think it is an awesome place, but these mountains that surround us are just amazing.
experiencing the 4 seasons.
family who loves me
friends that make me laugh
my dog marley
my job
my education
traveling and seeing the wonders of this world
freedom of choice
hopes for the future
a safe roof over my head
...and so many more. i just hope that when the stresses of life begin to overtake us, that we can remember just how many blessings we have and how truly lucky we are. here's a challenge...write down some of the things you are most grateful for and share them with me in my comments. i would love to hear them!

2 notes:

Angela said...

I'm grateful for:
my #1's blog about gratitude
The crisp in the Fall Air
The beautiful colors of Fall leaves
good books
knowledge - both spiritual and intellectual
amazing friends and family
the example of my mom
my new car!
my job
my home
a desire to strive for righteousness
my church callings (at least some of them lol)
wisdom (the little i have and what i hope to develop)
...and a multitude of other little things :)

Traylor Family said...

A few days ago I would have said nothing! Ha. I recently wrote a blog about the things I was grateful for and I think that right now I'm most grateful for my Heavenly Fathers unconditional love and support. It's so wonderful to know that no matter what he's ALWAYS there for me!