Thursday, October 30, 2008

body worlds...and new hair

so i have been wanting to see body worlds for so long. i wanted to see it in LA when i lived in california. i even went to vegas to try and see it this summer. my luck, it was "in between" hotels and wasn't open. so when it came to salt lake, i was super stoked.
the other night, steve and i, along with my awesome sister, went to see the exhibit downtown. man, oh man, was it amazing! the human body is so extraordinary. i work with the human body everyday at work, but seeing the outside, is so different than seeing the inside. when you think of all the organs, vessels, tissues, bones, that make the human body do the simplest of things, it just amazes me. i feel so lucky to know what i know about the human body, and to get to work with it everyday. i also feel so blessed for my own body. it's human nature to criticize ourselves...i mean, who couldn't stand to lose a few pounds, or tone some muscle, right? but i am so thankful for the body i was given, and after seeing that exhibit, it just reminded me how amazing it is and how much i need to treasure it and take care of it.
and on that note, after the exhibit, we went to a yummy, and way too fattening dinner for that matter, at buca di beppo. sooo much food, but soooo yummy. side note, did you know buca di beppo translates to "joe's basement"? steve told me this and i was sure he was lying. but i asked the waiter, and sure enough...that's what it means!
oh yeah...and i got my hair changed for winter. it's dark. i usually have dark hair. i went blonde for summer. but i think i got really used to the blonde, and now the dark, i'm not so sure about. i'll give it some time to get used to it, but who knows...maybe blondes do have more fun.