Wednesday, October 22, 2008


what a wonderful past few days! a little recap...

  • A NEW PHONE! i have had the same phone, which i have totally loved, for the past few years. as much as i hated to admit it, it was getting a bit archaic and it was time for an upgrade. so i headed down to the sprint store and got myself, what i think, is a pretty fancy phone. i'm still getting used to it and all the features. for the first time in my life, i feel like an "old" person because i don't know how to use my phone and it takes me 10 minutes to send a text message. but nontheless, i am loving it. it's super sleek, and will no doubt be outdated in a year, or less.

  • A NEW CAR! i wasn't one of those kids who got a new, or any car for that matter, when i turned 16. i always have shared cars, or had used ones. my PT cruiser was absolutely adorable (at least i thought so) and i loved it for the last 3 years. but let's face it folks, it's by no means an "all season" car. and that's what i need now that i'm living in a 4 season environment. it held up pretty well last winter, (only spinning out on me a few times) though i didn't even attempt to take it up the canyons. betty zip, as i liked to call her, was getting to the point where she needed some tune ups, and some pretty pricey ones at that. i started thinking if it was really worth putting all that money into a car i probably couldn't keep that much longer. so....i opted to put that money into a new car. living in utah, i figured i would join the club and get myself a nice subaru. i am the proud owner of a new 2009 outback! i am super in love with it. i love everything about it, especially that it's safe and that it will handle the winter well. here are a couple pics of the new beauty. now i just need a name for it...

  • HUNTING! that's right. you heard me, hunting, for deer. well, not so much me in camo, with a shotgun, but me riding along in the backseat while steve, his brother, and 2 of his nephews went hunting. what an adventure! beautiful scenery, and some major off roading. it is so pretty up there and marley had a blast with all the new smells in the great outdoors. i've attached a few pictures of that trip. we saw plenty of deer, but they were all doe's, and the boys only have buck tags, so no luck there. the season isn't quite over yet, so hopefully they will get a few more chances to claim their prize. but i don't think i will be going along for the ride next time.

so that's about it for me. other than that i have just been working and LOVING fall in my time off. i'm a little sad that my red sox came to an end of their season, but at least they claimed the division series, and there's always next year for the rest of the shebang.

1 notes:

jessi9380 said...

Yeah, I agree, it totally sucks that the Sox were out so soon.
Sweet car! Congrats.